Thursday, October 31, 2019

IP Internetworking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IP Internetworking - Assignment Example It also concerns with ensuring that the wide area network at Houston is in a position of accommodating the traffic in the entire network. Whereas using static addresses has its advantages, the biggest downside is high administrative demands even when minor changes occur in the network. To cater for this, the new phase will use dynamic addressing system so that the hosts acquire Internet protocol automatically. As a result, this lowers the administrative overhead. The virtual local area network is from the departments available in XUM. Consequently, the VLANs are sales vlan2, finance vlan3, human resources vlan4, research and development vlan5, default vlan1 and management vlan6. The creation of the VLAN at XUM results from the departments available. Therefore, there are four data VLANs namely sales VLAN2, finance VLAN3, human resource VLAN4, Research, and development VLAN5. In addition, a native VLAN is the default VLAN1. Furthermore, there is a management VLAN VLAN6 that gets IP addresses to enable the management to manage the switch. It has been possible with remote control tools that allow management to ssh or telnet the switch through the management VLAN. To allow for communication of personal computers on similar VLANs but separated by a switch or a number of switches, a trunk link now exists between the switches. The manager sets the range of virtual local area networks that can communicate via the trunk link (Ahmad, 2002). Trunking is the best method. It was in comparison to creating physical relationships of various VLANs among the switches. In this case, between one switch and another there would have been six links, which would have wasted twelve ports. Further, it means that each of the individual links has different port numbers that make their management extremely difficult in case the network expands to accommodate twice or more the number of VLANS already existing. Use of dynamic trunking protocol has enabled

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The History of circumcision in Jewish religion Research Paper

The History of circumcision in Jewish religion - Research Paper Example Hypotheses explain: to mark the beginning of adulthood, to demonstrate higher social status, to extend sexual pleasure, for personal hygiene. Nonetheless, no one can truly explain the reasons behind emergence of this culture and why it spread. Male circumcision consists of the surgical removal of some, or all, of the foreskin (or prepuce) from the penis. It is one of the most common procedures in the world. For followers of Islamic and Jewish religion it is religious ritual. In the United States, it is practiced mainly for hygienic reasons (3). Judaism adopted circumcision thru Moses who left Egypt with Hebrew Slaves. Moses is considered to be the Father of Jewish laws, traditions, and administrative authority. Commandant of circumcision plays significant role in Jewish religion, as some rabbis believed that Mosses was not admitted into Heaven, as he was not circumcised. Circumcision is an outward physical sign for Jewish people that show the eternal covenant between God and Jewish people. It also depicts that Jewish people will be perpetuated through the circumcised man. Because of fulfillment of commandant of circumcision, God in return ensures fertility to the Jewish people. Circumcision is applied to all male Jewish and it is a religious ritual. Circumcision, according to the Jewish custom is typically being performed on the eighth day after birth. Since the time of Mosses, it has been the symbolic confirmation the male infant spiritually belongs to Jewish community. Judaism teaches that GOD gave the Jews 613 commandants, and one out them is called Brit Millah, which literally translates to Covenant of Circumcision. The commandant of circumcision is given at Genesis 17:10-14 and Lev. 12:3 (4). This covenant was originally made with Abraham. This ritual ever since the time of Abraham has been practiced for close to 4,000 years (6) . In the Torah, God says to Abraham that circumcision is a part man’s

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Attachment Theory Analysis Development And Application Psychology Essay

Attachment Theory Analysis Development And Application Psychology Essay This paper focuses on the concept of attachment theory. We begin with an analysis of what it is and its development and the founders and important people who have applied and developed it. We then present its applications in the modern psychology. Attachment can be defined as the emotional bond that connects one person with another. This theory was first advanced by psychologist John Bowl by and he described it as a lasting psychological connectedness between human beings (Bowlby, 1969). He believed that the initial bond that is formed by children with their parent or caregivers have very important impact upon their entire lives. According to him, the attachment is very fundamental in ensuring that the childs chances of survival are enhanced. The main theme in the theory of attachment revolves around the notion that mothers who are responsive and available to the needs of their children usually establish some sense of security. The infant are therefore ware of the fact that such a bond with a dependable parent or caregiver is important for their security and safety. This gives them a well secured platform to explore the world at large. The main characteristics of attachment Secure base This is when the caregiver or parent provides a dependable and secure base for the child to explore the world. Safe haven This is exhibited when the child feels afraid and threatened. They do therefore turn back to their caregiver to seek comfort Maintenance of proximity This is exhibited when the child makes efforts to be as close to the caregiver or parent as much as possible in order to keep themselves safe. Distress of separation The Ainsworths theory of Strange Situation Mary Ainsworth, a psychologist in 1970s carried out research that expounded immensely on the work of Bowlbys. Her famous theory of Strange Situation revealed that there is a notable effects of attachment on the human behavior. The study which she conducted entailed an observation of children aged between 12 and 18 months who were being watched as they responded to various situations in which they were left alone for a short period of time. The infants were then reunited with their mothers as pointed out by (Ainsworth, 1978). On the basis of the observed responses, Ainsworth came up with three main styles of attachment which were: Secure attachment Ambivalent-insecure attachment Avoidant-insecure attachment However, later on, the work of Main and Solomon (1986) saw the addition of an extra style of attachment referred to as disorganized-insecure attachment. Several other studies have shown that the various attachment styles have a profound influence on the behavior of humans in their later lives. Detailed characteristics of attachments Secure attachment Children who are securely attached do exhibit a lot of distress when they get separated from their caregivers. They do however become happy on the return of their caregiver. It is worth pointing out the fact that these children do feel secure and are able to depend entirely on their parents ar caregivers. Whenever the caregiver or parent leaves, they may feel upset but with the knowledge and hope that their caregiver would soon come back. In case they get frightened by anything, these securely attached children would seek the comfort and protection of their caregivers. They know their parents and caregivers and their ability to provide them with assurance and comfort. Ambivalent attachment The ambivalently attached children normally do become distressed whenever their caregivers leave them. This form of attachment is usually uncommon and is therefore observable in just a small percentage of American children. It has been shown through research that ambivalent children are a product of poor maternal availability. These children however, cannot rely on their parents availability for their needs to be met. Avoidant attachment This form of attachment is characterized with children who try at all costs to avoid their parents or primary caregivers. In case they get offered a chance, they would show no form of preference between their caregivers and new people who are considered total strangers. Research work has indicated that this form of attachment comes about as a result of a neglectful or abusive caregiver. This therefore means that children who get penalized or punished fpor their reliance on their caregivers would soon learn to avoid seeking their help in the future. The problems with attachment There are a myriad of problems that affects attachments. The questions that most people may ask are what happens to infant who do not form some form of secure attachment. Extant literature suggests that in case there is a failure to be part of a secure attachment during infancy, then there is bound to be negative impact on the behavior of the affected individual. This is notable in the early childhood as well as during adulthood. The children who are diagnosed with oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or conduct disorder (CD) usually show signs of attachment related problems. This is possibly as a result of : Early abuse Neglect and Trauma. It has been suggested by clinicians that early attachments do have very serious effects on the future relationships .For example, people who are securely attached during their childhood do tend to have positive qualities such as: Good self esteem Strong romantic relationships Ability to disclose oneself to other people. It has been suggested by several theorists that the attachment theory is a special kind of psychological theory that gives a description as well as explanation to be used as a theoretical framework necessary for discussing the various types of affectionate relationships that do exist between individuals. This theory which got its origin from John Bowlby in 1969 has continued to be influential as a logical framework to be utilized in the explanation of interpersonal relationships as pointed out by (Hazan, Shaver, 1987). Bowlbys theory was heavily influenced by the work of Harry Harlow. Harlow is the one who made a discovery that infant monkeys that got separated from their caregivers (mothers) ended up clinging to objects that were as fluffy as their mothers as opposed to the wire-coated food sispensers.This was a strong indication that the infants had a strong need to be nurtured as poited out by Harlow Suomi (1970).It was the belief of Bowlby that the attachment style of an individual is developed in their childhood and gets heavy influence by the infants relationship with the primary caregiver. His other belief was that an individual style of attachment is durable and has a strong influence on the way the person would relate to others through our their life time (Bowlby, 1969).There are however some theorist who challenge this notion. Secure attachment style This is the very first attachment style. Individuals who are securely attached have very low self esteem coupled with low avoidance. They however have positive attitudes towards themselves and towards the rest of the people. In order to promote secure attachment in children, it is important for the primary caregivers to be dependable, supportive and provide a safe haven as pointed out by Bartholomew Horowitz (1991). Ainsworths strange situation study revealed that securely attached children are characterized by several behaviors such as protestation of their caregivers departure while having the ability to begin being in happy mood only to welcome the departed caregiver and be reassured once again of their comfort as outlined by Tracy Ainsworth (1981). There are other benefits that come with being securely attached. These include the ability to form very close and intimate relationships with very little ease while being comfortable with the autonomy. Secure adults usually feel like they are worthless and have expectations that other persons will be accepting while being responsive at the same time as outlined by (Hazan Shaver, 1987). The diminishing attachment style This form of attachment is characterized by individuals who have low anxiety coupled with a rather high avoidance. Therefore, they do have a positive attitude towards their existence. They however do have a high avoidance of others. This form of attachment is observable in children and is formed whenever an infants bid to gain comfort are rejected and their primary care givers are hesitant and generally reluctant to allow body contact between them. This makes them to pick up their young ones in very abrupt manner. There is also an element of controlling behavior with very limited emotional response as indicated by (Hazan Shaver, 1987). An observation by Ainsworth shown that children who are dismissing had a characteristic of not being distressed by the departure of their caregivers and they were also not too much bothered by their return. This observation was reported by (Tracy Ainsworth, 1981). In adults It is also a general fact that adults who belong to the category of the dismissing individuals do feel a certain sense of worthiness. They however possess a very negative disposition towards other individuals. They do have a self protection mechanism that involves the avoidance of very close relationships and the maintenance of a general sense of independence coupled with invulnerability. The preoccupied (Fearful avoidant attachment styles) This third attachment style is referred to as the preoccupied style. These persons do experience a very high level of anxiety coupled with low avoidance. Therefore they get preoccupied and do feel on a constant basis, a sense of unlovabililty along with that of unworthiness that is combined with an affirmative evaluation of others. The preoccupied style is usually formed whenever a primary care giver is inconsistent in their manner of parenting. This is marked with being loving while being responsive. This is however true only when they are able to manage but not in their response to the childs signals as pointed out by Cassidy (2000). In adults Several adults have been shown to be exhibiting this style and they are known to be in a constant quest to be accepted by others through the gaining of acceptance of other individuals in the community. Fearful avoidant style This is the last type of avoidance styles It comprises of highly negative individuals.They do have: High anxiety High avoidance They also feel the following: Unworthy Unlovable They view people negatively and regard them as either rejecting or untrustworthy. Due to this, they usually avoid very close relationship and try to avoid being rejected at all costs. This group is made up of individuals who have been abused and neglected as pointed out by (Bartholomew Horowitz, 1991). The durability of the attachment styles The durability in this case refers to the state of stability of the attachment styles. This has however been a subject of too much controversy and debate. The attachment theory postulates that after repeated experiences during an individuals childhood, they do while in infancy, develop a string of knowledge structures a concept that can also be referred to as an inner working model that acts as a representative of the various several interactions that the infant had while they were with their primary care giver. The infant then learns of the fact that whenever their primary caregivers get responsive then they have an opportunity of counting on them as well as others should need be. On the other hand, in case the primary care givers are cold, unresponsive and inconsistent, then the child would soon learn to ignore or rather neglect their role in his or her life in regards to gaining comfort. . This model has for a long time been thought of as being persistent throughout the life of an individual and can be considered to act for them as some sort of a guide as illustrated by Fraley, (2002). In order to support this model, we bring out the fact that adults generally do tend to be more attentive to situations that bring out their experiences and to information that is in congruence with their worldly expectations. This is called the confirmation bias In order to illustrate this, we look at the study that was conducted by Simpson, Rholes, Nelligan in 1992 that portrayed that people who have avoidant working models with a general view of others as being unreliable did also vies social scenarios as being ambiguous. A study conducted by Roisman, Collins, Sroufe, Egeland (2005) in order to explore if an infants style of attachment could be predictive of their adult hood indicated that: A secure mind state in regard to one;s romantic relationship and better of (high quality) romantic relationship is usually a result of a secured attachment relationship that took place in infancy. In yet another study by Torgersen, Grova, Sommerstand, (2007) whose research relied on the test results of hypothesis that purported that attachment in most adults is heavily influenced by certain genetic factors. This was done through a comparison of both monozygotic as well as dizygotic twins attachment styles. Their result is was that both the environment and the genes have a profound influence on attachment Recent theories Several recent theories dispute this notion. They do propose however that the durability of a certain style is a functions of the stability of an individuals environment. This can be illustrated with a consideration of the experiences of new relationships and formation of new attachments both of which can bring about positive influence on an individuals working model. It is worth noting that the attachment theory is very crucial in the explanation of an individuals interpersonal relationship in a lifetime. The four proposed attachments styles: Secure Preoccupied Dismissing and Fearful avoidant Are all crucial in the explanation of an individuals interpersonal relationship. It is important to note that the durability of attachment has been questioned and more research is going on this. Applications to social phenomena Attachment theory in raising children Attachment is the link that forms between the person taking care of an infant and the infant itself from when it is between eight to nine months of age, giving the child security emotionally. Bonding starts from when a child is being given food, and goes on to participating in pseudo-dialogue and then it is followed by the child taking part in more active roles of proto dialogue, as shown by Kaye (1982), other ideas such as inter-subjectivity and scaffolding have been looked into by psychologists. As an infant continues growing, their attention towards the person taking care of them increases. John Bowlby (1958, 1980) founder of the attachment theory was involved in extensive analysis on the emotional link between infants and adults and he had a strong belief that the early relationships greatly determined the emotional and behavioral growth of a child. An earlier study done by Bowlby in 1944 found out that children who had an unstable upbringing where more likely to become juvenile derelicts. His work is often free to criticism and has been improved on with further research. Other following research has measured different levels of security and insecurity in children from early times by use of the method known as Strange Situation Test. Other explorations have also shown different types of the difficult habits and how a child may relate with the person taking care of them actively. Bowlbys theory was founded on ideas from ethology studies and earlier works. The psychodynamic theory as put by Sigmund Freund was very pertinent during the 50s following the Second World War when women were taking up caring for households and playing motherhood roles as men were going back to employment post war. Sigmund believed that every child ought to have a relationship with one caregiver monotropism and that separating from this person would bring about the proximity promoting behaviors in the attachment order. The caregiver coming would cause the behaviors of, clinging, making noise and crying to come to an end. The protected grounds of the affectionate links present between the parent and infant representation becomes part and parcel of the inner working model. These therefore become the heart and the base of all close relationship during continuation of the childs life all through to adulthood. The interference of a mother and childs relationship through lack of emotion, se paration and bereavement to the bonding process. Bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation (1951, 1953) was supported by Konrad Lorenz imprinting study on the young ones of animals done in 1966. He believed that the childs caregiver should impress as a constant figure, and that lack of maternal links between mother and child could be dangerous to the childs health mentally and could cause delinquency. His opinions on long term organizational care were that if a child was placed in a foster home before reaching two years and six months social, emotional and cognitive development may not be delayed but his other works show there has been varying types of parting in youth with serious behavioral issues. Attachment behavior as looked into by Mary Ainsworth works (1985) Ainsworth Bell, (1974) Ainsworth et al (1978) becomes the base for all potential connections and this develops up to two years from the time the child is born. She also agreed with Bowlby on the opinion that the process of attachment bonding occurs at the age of two years. Roughly when the infant is about 7 months old when they get to be watchful of strangers and unknown environments. This continues until the child attains two years of age. The process Ainsworth (1969) investigated to determine if a child was securely or insecurely connected was the strange situation paradigm. This involved a series of short separations and reunions. The childs parent and a person unknown to the child took part in the study with a child aged one year, there were eight series in total and Ainsworths measurement on secure and insecure connection was founded on the reunion scene of how the child reacted in such a situation. Evaluation was carried out using four different variables. The results showed that there were three main varying styles of adjusting. Type A was the anxious and avoidant. The Type B secure while the Type C was the anxious and ambivalent. Most children showed secure attachment; one fifth of them showed anxious/avoidant and one tenth showed anxious/amb ivalent. Main and Solomon (1990) introduced yet another variable, D Type: which in recent times was disorganized to match the behaviors of children in risky environments. The strange situation paradigm, has been faulted by Judy Dunn (1982, 1983), she believed that children from varying backgrounds like institutional care and those living with their families may bring different meanings to the test and the childs environment. The method and results of the experiment are doubted even by Judy Dunn herself. In another study carried out by Richman in 1982 et al it showed that different dangerous factors of disturbed behavior can be evident from the time a child is three years old. Some of the factors known to influence a childs emotional development are the mothers mental state, marital stability and the parents attitudes to the child. The childs active part must also be taken into consideration when giving advice on bringing up children as is shown in Sameroffs 1991 transactional model, as children interact with their environments, while the caregiver develops the childs behavior and how they will relate in future. In Ainsworth and Bowlbys view in which they both agree relationships are universal it can said that different peoples and cultures have different degrees on to what degree or amount of time an infant should be left alone, Japanese, the Chinese and the Israeli results showed Type C in a research done across cultures by one Marinus van Ijzendoorn and Peter Kroonenberg in 1988. Problems could also be with the ethological view of drawing comparisons between children and the young ones of animals as they could be controlled by an instinct. Bowlby considered only the effect on the child by the caregiver yet other factors could affect this such as the child moods. A mother whose child has a thorny mood could prefer to work and leave their child in a day facility which in turn could have a negative effect on the mother being unable to leave the child behind with other people. The mothers patience and the look of the goodness of fit. Researchers Chess and Thomas (1984) suggested that attachme nt could impact on the behavior and a reflection on the attachment link between the child and the primary caregiver (mother). Bowbly and Ainsworth worked together in the development of secure links as per the sensitive mothering of a child in its first year but it could have an impact on the mother as argued by Woollet and Pheonix in 1991, where if she has to abandon all her earlier work and duties possibly leading to frustrations. A workable alternative is to share the responsibility of parenting but this notion would appear to be contrast to the opinion of Ainsworth and Bowlby. The showing of the movie A Two-Year-Old Goes to Hospital, by James Robertson in 1952 showed the stress and pains of a child separated from the mother during a long stay in hospital. During this period mothers were advised not to pay regular visits to their children while in hospital. According to Ainsworth and Bowlby ,the abrupt and premature separation of the child could have terribly affected its emotional wellbeing and the bonding process. Separation and providing alternative means for taking care of the child have been researched on more recently. Day care was among the topics researched into by Bowlby and his belief was that that if a child started nursery schooling before attaining three years of age, it would also cause irreparable damage to the child. However, recent studies done during the 70s and 80s have shown varying opinions and this was proved in a research carried out by Laurence Steinberg and Jan Belsky in 1978 and in yet another study done by Clarke-Stewart and Fein (1983). A much later study done by Belsky (1988), had different views as mothers who worked for more than 20 hours a week showed a higher level of insecure attachment as compared to his earlier study which found absolutely no problems with taking children for day care, Clarke-Stewart opposed this data. Other crucial factors that needed to be taken into consideration according to Belsky were the difference in the surroundings, the children in the day care facility, the staff at the day care and the quality of the day care. Appendix A: Figure 1: Attachment models source (

Friday, October 25, 2019

history of the internet :: essays research papers

In 1964, the RAND proposal was put forward. Written by Paul Baran, this proposal stated the principles of a new network which was to be built for maximum strength and flexibility. This new network would have no central authority. The principles of this network were that all the nodes would be equal in status and each could send and receive messages. All the messages would be sent in packets, each with its own address. These packets would be sent at one node and would arrive at another one. This may seem rather obvious, but what was new was that the way the packets went through the net was not important. That means that if one node was destroyed, the rest of the nodes would still be able to communicate. This is of course was inefficient and rather slow, but extremely reliable. The Internet still uses this method nowadays, and there has been only one collective crash so far. The Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) wanted to install an advanced network based on the principles in the US. The network was called ARPANET and consisted of four high speed computers (nodes). In 1969, the first node was installed in UCLA. By 1971 there were 23 nodes on ARPANET. In 1972 the first e-mail program was created by Ray Tomlinson of BBN. He chose the @ symbol to link the username to the address. Telnet protocol allowed logging on to a distant computer. It was published as Request for Comments (RFC). These were means of sharing developmental work throughout the network community. Instead of using the ARPANET for long distance computing, the scientists used it for communicating with each other. Each user had his/her own e-mail address. In 1973, â€Å"Development began on the protocol later to be called TCP/IP, it was developed by a group headed by Vinton Cerf from Stanford and Bob Kahn from DARPA. This new protocol was to allow diverse computer networks to interconnect and communicate with each other (Kristula 1974-1983).† During its development was when the term Internet was first used. TCP/IP was adopted by the Department of Defense in 1980 replacing the old NCP and became universal in 1983. Also in 1983 ARPANET split into ARPANET and the military segment, MILNET. MILNET became integrated with the Defense Data Network created the previous year. Thanks to TCP/IP and its decentralized structure, ARPANET grew and grew during the early eighties.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Private Tutions Are a Necessary Evil

[email  protected] org Class-9th Subject- History/Civics Short answer questions Civics Q. 1. Q. 2. Q. 3. Q. 4. Q. 5. Q. 6. Q. 7. Q. 8. Chapter Political Parties Define a Political party. Give any two ingredients of a political party. Give two reasons to explain why the candidates belong to political parties. Name the three party systems prevalent in the modern world. The bi party system is regarded as the best system for democratic countries. Give the demerits of Multi party system. Mention the two types of parties in India.What are National parties? Give their importance. Q. 9. What are Regional parties? Give their importance. Q. 10. Differentiate between National and regional parties. Q. 11. Name two national and two regional parties of India. Q. 12. Give any two policies of the following parties. i) Indian National Congress. ii) Janta Dal iii) Bhartiya Janta Party. iv) Communist Party of India (CPI) v) Communist Party of India. (M) Chapter Local Self Government (Rural) What is L ocal Self Government? What is Local Government? Why do we need a local self Government?Which committee suggested ways to set up the Panchayati Raj in India and when? Give the three levels of the rural local self Government? Name the local body formed at the village level. Give the Composition of a Gram Sabha. Give the Sources of income of a Gram Sabha. Mention any three functions of a Gram Sabha. Name the executive body of a Gram Sabha. How is a Gram Panchayat formed? Give any three functions of a Gram Panchayat. Name the local body at the block level in rural local self Government. What is a Nyaya Panchayat? What is its significance? Q. 15.What are the other names of the Panchayat Samiti? Q. 1. Q. 2. Q. 3. Q. 4. Q. 5. Q. 6. Q. 7. Q. 8. Q. 9. Q. 10. Q. 11. Q. 12. Q. 13. Q. 14. Discuss. conta[email  protected] org Q. 16. Q. 17. Q. 18. Q. 19. Q. 20. Q. 21. Q. 22. Q. 23. Explain any three functions of a Panchayat Samiti. Name the highest local body in rural local self Government. Who are the members of a Zila Parishad? Mention any five duties of Zila Parishad. Mention any two achievements of Panchayat Raj. Mention any two short comings of Panchayati Raj. How is the administration of a district looked after?What are the functions of a District Collector? History Chapter Renaissance. Q. 1. What marks the end of the Middle Ages and the advent of the Modern Age? Q. 2. Define Renaissance. Q. 3. What was the role of the Church in the life of the people during the Medieval Age, Q. 4. What are the Chief features of the Renaissance? Q. 5. Name some fore runners of the Renaissance. Q. 6. What were crusades? Q. 7. How did the Geographical explorations contribute to the Renaissance movement? Q. 8. Where and when was the first printing press set up? Q. 9.Who was called ‘the father of humanism’? Q. 10. Name the book written by Machiavelli. Q. 11. Who was called the father of English poetry? Name his out standing work. Q. 12. Who wrote ‘Paradise Lostâ€℠¢? Q. 13. Who was called the ‘First Modern Man’? Q. 14. Name the book written by Erasmus. Q. 15. Name the immortal works of Leonardo-de Vinice. Q. 16. Name the master pieces of art of Michael Angelo. Q. 17. Who made the door of Baptistry of Florence? Q. 18. Name the master prices of art that revealed the artistic skill of the sculptors of the Renaissance period.Q. 19. Name the Statues Carved out by Michael Angelo. Q. 20. Name the churches built by the Renaissance architects. Q. 21. Give the examples of Renaissance architecture. Q. 22. Name the leading musician of the Roman School and his book on music. Q. 23. Name the famous musicians of the School of Venice. Q. 24. What was John Kepler’s contribution in the field of astronomy? Q. 25. Give the inventions of Galleo and Sir Isaac Newton. Q. 26. Who discovered Carbon dioxide? Q. 27. Name some inventions of the Renaissance period. [email  protected] org

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Humanities: Cultural Change Essay

In Babcock’s book, he discusses the ways in which cultural change is influenced by various social pressures (2006). In looking to the concept of cultural change, it is important to note that the ways in which people are pressured within societies is able to be ethical, positive, and constructive as well as unethical, negative, and destructive. There are some people who believe that popular cultural change always flows in a constructive direction, yet without democratic discussion flowing from a moral and spiritual place, there is the ability for popular movements which are harmful for society. It is important to recognize that cultural change is often merely the whims of popular ideological culture, rather than principled and faith driven movements of true justice. Cultural Change Cultural change is influenced by a wide array of people with a wide array of belief systems, and it is important to pay attention to the ways in which extremist and negative beliefs are able to creep into mainstream society. The United States has always been mired in a pool of a variety of many splintered belief systems, and through these beliefs, mainstream culture has often changed in ways which are actually harmful to humanity. It is necessary for morally upright, faithful citizens to stand their ground in professing their spiritual and moral convictions, because without them, popular culture reigns, often without the consideration of God and the true ethical rights of humanity. Conclusion Cultural change is often dominated by selfish and materialistic ideologies, ideas about freedom being equated with irresponsibility. The liberty loving culture of the United States needs to first and foremost recognize that true liberty stems from right action, from relational and social considerations. Without love and care for oneself and one’s neighbor, popular cultural changes are often merely greedy flights of fancy.